Bulk Tea

Assam Leaf Tea
Orthodox teas or Leaf Tea were usually harvested and processed by hand to get intact, whole leaves – small, young tea leaves plucked from the tips of the tea bush – but now are harvested and processed by machine to meet the demands.
Generally, CTC steeps stronger and has more of a tendency to be bitter, while Orthodox teas are higher quality, less likely to be bitter, and contain more subtle and multi-layered flavors than CTC teas. Knowing which tea you are buying will help you know what results you will get in the cup! If you are planning to make some spiced tea , definitely start with a CTC tea. However, if you drink your black tea straight or with just some sweetener or lemon, then start with an Orthodox tea.
Grade – FBOP / GBOP / OP / TGFOP
Darjeeling Tea Leaves
Darjeeling is considered the champagne of teas mainly because of its distinctive aroma. It is of sinensis varietal (rather than the assamica) and is generally not fully oxidized so is strictly not quite a black tea but a cross between oolongs and black teas. The aroma brings to mind muscatel grapes for some people. Definitely there is a delicate and fruity essence to it, quite like .
It is available in black and green tea. When properly brewed, this tea yields a thin-bodied, light-colored infusion with a floral aroma. The flavor does include a tinge of astringent tannic characteristics, and a musky spiciness as well.
Grades- TGFOP / OP / FOP

CTC Teas
CTC tea has gained much popularity among tea lovers. These are tea leaves that are made with the method of crushing, tearing, and curling. Then they are graded to finely made tea leaves that accentuate the aroma and color of the tea.